Client Accounting Services
Struggling to find the time to run the financial side of your business? Outsourced Controller services can provide the financial information you need to make informed decisions about your business. When you partner with us you can make important decisions with confidence and keep your organization moving in the right direction.
Services include:
Questioning your current accounting methods?
We can help. We’ll dive into your business and make custom recommendations to be sure you’re operating at full capacity and efficiently – saving you time and money. We would conduct:
Financial Operations Assessment
Accounting System review & analysis
Process efficiency Study
Creating a well-oiled machine; behind the scenes.
If you run smoothly on the inside, you will be sure to carry that forward when dealing with your current & potential client base. We work with your employees to give them the resources and training they need to be successful and productive. We can provide:
Accounting System Set-up
Accounting System Training
Report Building Template Set-up
Now that you’re functioning efficiently, maintain it!
Our goal is to KEEP you running smoothly and provide the support you and your staff need throughout the process. From maintenance questions to troubleshooting, we’re looking to be a trusted partner and advisor for your business. We can provide ongoing support including:
Monthly & quarterly accounting systems review
One-to-one remote troubleshooting

Linda M. Pearson
Linda is a partner within the firm’s Client Accounting Services Group. She is a former controller for a publicly-traded company and has over 20 years of experience advising nonprofits, startups, and mature business with revenues in excess of $150M and across a wide array of industries.

Craig M. Bilodeau, Partner
Client Accounting Services Group Member
Over 30 years of experience
Advises clients across RI, MA, and CT, with revenues from 5M to $200M
Has deep experience across industries including healthcare, nonprofits, and employee benefit plans

Frederick K. Uttley, Partner
Client Accounting Services Group Member
Over 30 years of experience
Expert in structuring transactions, federal and state laws, and compliance
Has advised emerging and closely-held businesses with revenues in excess of $100M
Email | Direct: 401-752-0591

Susan B. Windle, Partner
Client Accounting Services Group Member
Over 30 years of experience advising entrepreneurs and business owners
Advises healthcare, professional services, and closely-held business clients
Has extensive experience with negotiating bank financing arrangements, buying and selling businesses, and executing succession plans

Anne M. Pisaturo, Partner
Client Accounting Services Group Member
Over 30 years of experience
Advises clients across numerous industries including manufacturing & distribution, construction and related services, and professional services
In-depth understanding of complicated accounting standards & tax laws, in addition to strategic income tax, estate tax planning, growth strategies, and formulating tax effective alternatives for structuring transactions