Client Accounting Services
Struggling to find the time to run the financial side of your business? Outsourced Controller services can provide the financial information you need to make informed decisions about your business. When you partner with us you can make important decisions with confidence and keep your organization moving in the right direction.
Services include:
Oversight Management
A Controller’s responsibilities go beyond bookkeeping and accounting. Our responsibility is to provide oversight, account management and accuracy of financial records to ensure the right policies and procedures get implemented. We ensure that your business is primed to make more informed decisions in the long run.
Oversee and produce financial statements
Constant contact with Principal/s of Business discussing strategies
Work with CPA for tax planning
Production of analytical reports / spreadsheets (i.e. P&L by division)
Offer limited HR support
Cost Effectiveness
Small to medium sized businesses most often do not have the resources or workload to warrant having a full time Controller on staff. By outsourcing this area of expertise, you can have the availability of someone who specializes in this area without worrying about turnover and retraining and wondering if you have enough work or financial resources to have a full time employee on staff.
Accounting records often contain sensitive information about your employees and the business itself. By outsourcing Controller services, you can prevent information from being disclosed and falling into the wrong hands. Plus, outsourcing Controller services can help consolidate tasks, increase efficiency and produce more accurate results for your business.
Outsourced controller services can preserve the financial health of your organization.

Linda M. Pearson
Linda is a partner within the firm’s Client Accounting Services Group. She is a former controller for a publicly-traded company and has over 20 years of experience advising nonprofits, startups, and mature business with revenues in excess of $150M and across a wide array of industries.

Craig M. Bilodeau, Partner
Client Accounting Services Group Member
Over 30 years of experience
Advises clients across RI, MA, and CT, with revenues from 5M to $200M
Has deep experience across industries including healthcare, nonprofits, and employee benefit plans

Frederick K. Uttley, Partner
Client Accounting Services Group Member
Over 30 years of experience
Expert in structuring transactions, federal and state laws, and compliance
Has advised emerging and closely-held businesses with revenues in excess of $100M
Email | Direct: 401-752-0591

Susan B. Windle, Partner
Client Accounting Services Group Member
Over 30 years of experience advising entrepreneurs and business owners
Advises healthcare, professional services, and closely-held business clients
Has extensive experience with negotiating bank financing arrangements, buying and selling businesses, and executing succession plans

Anne M. Pisaturo, Partner
Client Accounting Services Group Member
Over 30 years of experience
Advises clients across numerous industries including manufacturing & distribution, construction and related services, and professional services
In-depth understanding of complicated accounting standards & tax laws, in addition to strategic income tax, estate tax planning, growth strategies, and formulating tax effective alternatives for structuring transactions